We’ve been nominated!

Long Island Press has nominated Mid Island Allergy Group as best allergy practice.  If you’ve been pleased with your care and our service, vote for us on votebestofli.com.

Ragweed season is here!

If your allergy symptoms are worsening around this time of the year, your not alone.  Over 30 million people suffer from the effects of ragweed pollen with symptoms ranging from sneezing, nasal congestion, and eye itching, to wheezing and asthma exacerbations, which peak during this time of the year.  Some people may also notice mouth  … Read more

Welcome to the New MidIslandAllergy.com!

We’re so pleased to have our new site up and running and we hope you enjoy it. Our goal is have a site that will make it as easy as possible for our patients to get any information they need about our practice. Enjoy and please feel free to make comments.