Check out this article in this months Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology regarding Epinephrine and the BX rating written by Dr. Puglisi
Epinephrine autoinjectors: importance of the BX rating Gregory Puglisi, MD Mid Island Allergy Group, PC, Plainview, New York DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anai.2014.07.028 Abstract Full Text References Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and potentially fatal.1 Triggers for anaphylactic reactions mainly include foods, drugs and biologicals, stinging insects, latex, exercise, or unknown causes, … Read more
6 Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Food Allergies (FARE article)
6 Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Food Allergies It’s that time of year when holiday parties fill the calendar. Whether you’re a guest or hosting a party yourself, food allergies shouldn’t hold you back from seeing family and friends during holidays. Here are some tips that could help alleviate worries and allow you to enjoy … Read more
Avoid the dangers of anaphylaxis this Halloween.
This article has been reviewed by Thanai Pongdee, MD, FAAAAI Ghosts and goblins aren’t the only scary things your children might encounter this Halloween. For parents of kids with food allergies, Halloween treats—from candy to cookies—can be frightening too. Common allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk and egg are often ingredients in Halloween treats. … Read more
Contact dermatitis
We have a comprehensive patch test kit to help diagnose contact allergy. We also have a patch test kit specific to metal implants should you have a potential metal allergy and require surgery with metal hardware. Contact Dermatitis Source: www.aafa.org, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) Contact dermatitis occurs when skin touches something … Read more
Congratulations to Dr. Zitt!
Dr. Zitt is awarded Distinguished Fellow at 2012 ACAAI!