Happy woman cleaning home, singing at mop like at microphone and having fun, copy space. Housework, chores concept

2020 Spring Cleaning for Seasonal Allergies

Blink, and spring will be here! Before you know it, temperatures will soar and we’ll be hanging our jackets ’til September. For most of us, this is a time to celebrate. We’ll have more sunshine and warmer days! However, this also means it’s time to start our spring cleaning. Below, we’ve put together spring cleaning tips to help you alleviate allergy triggers and relieve your symptoms. We’ve broken it down room by room. With these tips, you’ll be able to keep your house spotless and your allergies under control.


  • Wash and change your bedding! As you go about your day, your clothing and hair collects a lot of dust mites and allergens. Consequently, when you sit or lay in your bed, you transfer a lot of these into your sheets and pillowcases. Basically, you should wash your bedding at least once a week in hot water to eliminate these allergens.
  • Use allergen-barrier bedding and dust covers. You can find these for your mattress, pillows, and box springs. Essentially, these will help reduce your exposure to allergens.
  • Wash your pet’s bed! Many of us have furry friends who love to curl up on a small bed just for them. However, most of us seem to forget just how much pet dander and allergens can collect on them. Use hot water to wash them regularly.
  • Remove or donate any unused items that are, essentially, dust magnets. Basically, these are items like old blankets, large houseplants, wicker baskets, stacks of magazines, books, etc.
  • If your children have stuffed animals, wash them with hot water. Often, these can collect a shocking amount of dust mites throughout the winter. As a result, they can trigger several allergy symptoms.

Living Room

  • Vacuum all carpets, area rugs and upholstery. Also, use a vacuum with HEPA filtration. Essentially, HEPA filtrations traps allergens that can pass through the vacuum’s exhaust.
  • Use a damp cloth to clean the dust from all surfaces. For severe allergy sufferers, a plant-based, non-toxic, multi-surface cleaner is best for this job. Interestingly, many of these botanical cleaners eliminate harmful allergens without introducing abrasive chemicals into the house.
  • Any throw blankets, decorative pillows, etc. should be washed in hot water. Obviously, these can collect just as much dust as stuffed animals throughout the winter.


  • First and foremost, you should inspect your bathroom for mold. Mold spores thrive in warm, damp atmospheres. Basically, a bathroom is a perfect breeding ground for mold.
  • Obviously, you should scrub any visible mold with a specific cleaning solution. Essentially, the only way to successfully remove mold is with a cleaner made specifically for mold.
  • Additionally, you should remove any visible soap scum. This kind of soap scum builds up on shower curtains and tiles. In addition to removing the soap scum, you should disinfect shower curtains on a regular basis.

Enjoy Your Spring!

For more information on seasonal allergies, contact Mid-Island Allergy today!